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Our lively social group for independent people and their friends was setup to help those people who need help to gain the self confidence and the ability to give themselves a social life and a circle of friends. This should hopefully only be the start, as we would hope that as time goes by our Lyfestylers would gain a more improved outlook on life in the comunity, and also the ability to make new friends who are able to understand the individual and treat them as an equal

The Lifestylers Social group forms part of Salisbury Lifestyles, The Lifestylers group was started by participants to enable them to take part in social activities using community facilities together as any other group of friends could. Lifestylers is still run by a members committee to which any participant can forward themselves to be a part of at the Annual General Meetings. This committee is the main part of Salisbury Lifestyles, it has the final decision as to how Lifestyles is run. The committee has the power to hire and fire Lifestyles Staff, any applications to become staff of Lifestyles has to go through the committee, which consists purely of participants.

We meet regularly in the pubs and bars in Salisbury. This is where we put together ideas for the program in a relaxed environment (and have a good time in the process), these are varied and include going to the theatre, swimming, bowling , the cinema, clubbing, and ice skating; in fact anything a participant wants to do. The program is then sent to all participants in the form of a newsletter. Participants who do not wish to go to the pub can send in their requests for events and these will be included in the program.

All paricipants are responsible for themselves and are able to take part in which ever events they choose in the way they wish to. Although we provide support workers and volunteers to help arrange and attend the events the participant is free to do his or her own thing. The support worker will assist any participant in a practical way, if requested to do so, but will not interfere with the freedom and choice of the individual. We do not provide carers to give one to one care.

This way participants take increasing control and responsibility for themselves. Participants are increasingly enabling each other to get the most out of the activities; this is encouraged.

The membership fee which helps cover the costs of producing the newsletter and support, is £10.00. Although participants who have not paid membership will not be barred from taking part in activities all members have at least £1.00 discount on activities.

If you feel that this is the group for you please goto the information page and e-mail Mr low for a membership form. We will then send you newsletters/emails so that you can join in the fun.

This site was last updated on Wednesday 25th September 2002 by our Web commitee, which consists of a small group of our members

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